Monday, November 21, 2016

Shirtwaist Factory Fire - New York City

On March 25th, 1911, a deadly fire broke out in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York's Greenwich Village. The fire ripped through the factory floor.  -- mostly young immigrant women --What happened after the fire? desperately tried to make their way downstairs. By the time the fire burned itself out, 146 people were dead. All but 17 of the dead were women and nearly half were teenagers. (PBS)

After the fire there was an investigation to understand how the fire occurred.
                                    You job is to investigate the aftermath of the fire. You must decided if the                                             findings were fair or unfair.....Using evidence from the reading.


What happened after the fire?

Testimony From the Fire Part A                             

Testimony From the Fire Part B

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire - Political Cartoons

Leap or Die You Decide

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